Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 7... I lost one!

I didn't post yesterday!! I didn't even take a picture. So lame. But, I'm back!

Nap time is my only time to cuddle with my monkey. Usually when I try, he wants to get down and explore! But I love rocking him to sleep for his naps. He gets very snuggly.

"why are you snapping that camera, mom?? I'm just trying to get to sleep over here."

"Soooo close......"

Sweet sleeping baby.

I might try and edit these tomorrow if I get a chance. Sorry for the poor quality - I was trying to be sneaky as he fell asleep.

Bonus shot!

Can you believe how long this kid's eyelashes are?


Cheryle said...

babies are so sweet as they fall asleep. Cute pictures!