Wednesday, August 12, 2009

day 12...

So I was going to post some pictures of cranky!Zane, since we did NOT have a good day today, but Jesse took way better pictures while I was at work.

Thanks, babe.

Well, maybe one of cranky Zane, just for good measure.


Cheryle said...

I guess we all have our cranky days! lol
Cute pictures!! :D

Tucker said...

Omigod - I LOVE the one of cranky Zane. It's priceless.

Ali said...

He is precious even when he is cranky or making a dino face with red eyes!!!!

Carissa June said...

see you are going to pull a Laura, put all the cute pictures of your baby up so I think "hey babies are fun and adorable all the time!" So thank you for bringing me back to earth :) Also I need to see this cranky baby soon! He wasn't even crawling for real last time I saw him! Oh and I need to see you too of course :)