Monday, July 13, 2009

Oh, snap!

I totally told Carissa I'd do this!

Well, clearly to start off - I did NOT totally forget about my very first NOT ME MONDAY post. Such a clear thinker such as myself would never forget an important milestone such as this.

I also did NOT choose to skip folding laundry for the 5th day in a row, leaving 2 piles of clean laundry in the laundry room, even though the time to do more laundry is fast approaching -- NOT ME!

I certainly did NOT read blogs instead of walking the dog this morning while Zane was napping. That would have been inconsiderate of me - something I'd never do - NOT ME!

and lastly, i did NOT fall asleep while rocking Zane to sleep this afternoon. I am always fresh and peppy throughout the day, and never need naps myself! NOT ME!

Hooray, I made my first NOT ME monday post - with 12 minutes to spare! I think come August 1st, provided I get my camera issues straightened out, I'm going to make Not Me Monday a tradition... with a picture of Zane doing something totally NOT ME worthy. Not that he EVER gets into trouble, not my precious child... ;)